Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 28/06/2023 15:45:47:
Stainless 304 wouldn't be my first choice. Mainly because it work-hardens, requiring sharp-tools that are kept cutting by the operator at all times. Rubbing a tool on 304 hardens the steel and blunts the tool pronto.
Cutting work-hardening stainless isn't horrifically difficult, but it's risky enough that I avoid 304. Also, stainless is unlikely to be cheaper than mild-steel.
Bear in mind too that the existing thin bendy handle may be deliberate. It's because vice handles are usually sized to bend just before the vice breaks…
Generally, the handle is made to a suitable length, such that the vise cannot be over-strained. It is often a length of pipe that causes damage. This is not a large vise, if the handle is going to be only about 30cm long.
Handle ends can be added by plug welding, screwed/bolted on with loctite thread sealant, shrink fitted, or any other means to hand.
Edited By not done it yet on 28/06/2023 19:37:55