Florists flat aluminium wire. Comes on various widths (I have used 5 mm) and 1 mm thick and sold by the metre, or by weight. There are a number of people on ebay selling it, mostly in China, but I got mine from Oasis Floral Products here in UK. Usual disclaimer, no connection to supplier, they just happened to have some in stock.
I have also read that some people are using aluminium flashing strip (from builders merchants) and hand cutting strips of suitable width.
There is a healthy maker community in the USA making and donating face masks for their health care providers, support workers and vulnerable. Various chapters of US sheet metal workers unions are making nose strips and sending them to the makers on request, free of charge. I have been following the activities of UK based groups who are doing the same charitable work over here, making masks and scrubs for health carers. I have seen no mention of UK unions offering any similar assistance over here. Would be happy to be proved wrong on that.
Me? I have been wrestling with a piece of alien technology (aka sewing machine) of late. I am not sure who is getting the better of who. There has been a bit of language. None of it good. So far I have managed to avoid being dragged head first into the infernal clanking contraption.