Here is a snippet of my own personal Magazine index.
Listed in Title, Issue, Page, Mag, Author, Volume, Date.
I plan on building this engine at some point if I live long enough. I have all the castings and materials stashed and a photocopy of the ME articles is somewhere buried in the loft.
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3541 701 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 142 16/07/1976
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3543 805 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 142 20/08/1976
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3545 898 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 142 17/09/1976
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3547 1014 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 142 15/10/1976
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3550 1196 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 142 03/12/1976
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3552 10 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 143 07/01/1977
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3553 80 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 143 21/07/1977
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3559 465 M.E. HUGHES W.J. 143 15/04/1977
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3577 75 M.E. KIBBEY R.L. 144 20/01/1978
MARSHALL PORTABLE ENGINE 1½" SCALE 3579 212 M.E. KIBBEY R.L. 144 17/02/1978