It's pre decimal stuff, like TPI
It was on a scale of one line to 100 toises, i.e. 1/86,400.
All projections are a compromise, only the longitude origin is truly accurate at zero latitude
Said it took 3 generations to complete the map so a lot could change in that length of time
The guys who really impressed me were the early circumnavigators who
1-Didn't hit a rock and sink in uncharted waters or founder, (unparalleled seamanship)
2-Accurately Mapped huge chunks of the coastal globe, both land and sea (high levels of education and ability required)
4-Kept a wooden ship going in tropical waters for years (no mean feat when your ship is made of sugar candy)
3-Got home alive after being bitten and munched by every tropical bug and disease imaginable
It's difficult to comprehend the level of abilities and skills those people possessed, and how tough they were
Edited By Ady1 on 29/06/2021 23:26:20