Making this site easier to user suggestion


Making this site easier to user suggestion

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  • #39172
    Ian P
      Ian P
        As a frequent reader and occasional poster to the MEW forum I would like to make a suggestion that would make the site more friendly.
        In common with other browsers IE8 (which I use) has the ability to open new ‘Tabs’ by right clicking on any page link. On most websites any new tab that is opened shows a title in the tab which then makes it obvious what will be brought up when that tab is selected. The MEW website shows the same title text in every tab (sic “Model Engineer”), so whether it another forum topic or a different page of the site they all look the same.
        It would be great if this facility could be added to this site next time any site maintenance is being done.
        Ian Phillips


          The name on the tab comes from the title in the coding. Each page should have an individual title.



          Leeds uk

          David Clark 13
            Hi There
            Not going to happen.
            The tabs at the top don’t change and it is to much work or too difficult to change.
            regards David
              Posted by David Clark 1 on 29/06/2011 08:47:42:
              to much work or too difficult to change.
              Each page is dynamically created, it should be a one line change to the asp script to set the page title to the forum topic.
              David Clark 13
                Hi There
                I will ask again.
                regards David
                David Clark 13
                  Hi There
                  It will be done.
                  It is the green tabs at the top of the site that are a problem.
                  regards David
                  Ian P
                    Its not the green tabs I was refering to. Its the tabs that are a now fundamental part of Internet Explorer.
                    The reason for my request (no its a ‘suggestion’ really) is that if I open the MEW home page and see several titles of topics that I want to read the obvious thing to do is click and read the first one (which might involve plodding through several pages to get to the most recent post). If I then want to read a post on another topic I have to use the back button several time to get back to the home page.
                    I circumvent the problem by right clicking all the topics (and other things of interest) and opening each topic in a new tab. In effect each tab is another instance of Internet Explorer. One I have done that I can read select the first tab and read the postings, whilst I am doing that all the other topics postings are being loaded in the bacckground so are instantly there to be read.
                    I suppose its would be best if the website software showed the postings in reverse date order (newest first) if that was possible.
                    I have just re-read your reply and see that you actually said ‘It will be done’ but now I’m slightly confused about your question about the green tabs.
                    Either way, Thanks
                    chris stephens
                      Hi Ian,
                      If you want to get back to the home page at any point, rather than hitting the back arrow several times you just hit the home tab , you know the one on the left in the long green banner at the top of the page, as they say “works for me”
                        Like you I right click and ‘open in new tab’ and agree it is painful not having each tab with its own title but if you look to the left of the very first tab there is a drop down box. You can use this drop down box to go to any tab you want even though each tab is labelled ‘Model Engineer’ except the ‘Home of Model engineer and Model Engineers Workshop’ tab. At the very left of the drop down box is another box with four squares in it. If you click on that it brings up a graphic of whats under each tab.
                        It may help until an individual heading for each tab can be sorted.
                        Also you can change the setting to bring up the latest post first in ‘My Account’. Only thing is it doesn’t work when you ‘Open in new tab’

                        Edited By blister on 30/06/2011 20:57:38

                        Ian P
                          Posted by David Clark 1 on 29/06/2011 11:39:36:

                          Hi There
                          It will be done.
                          It is the green tabs at the top of the site that are a problem.
                          regards David
                          Youv’e made my life a little better!
                          Browsing the MEW site this evening I saw the subject titles in the browser tabs, Thanks.
                          Whether or not adding the text to the tabs was done as a result of my suggestion or does not matter but I thank you anyway.
                          Ian Phillips
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