I'm making an experimental semi-automatic morse key (like a Vibroplex) and need some advice about how to make reliable electrical contacts for it.
The key has two contacts. One hits a vibrating arm to make dots. The other is a simple on-off used to make a dash. When contact is made a 5V control voltage is earthed to key a telegraph relay or radio transmitter. The switching current is of the order of a few milliamperes.
At the moment the contacts are made between an adjustable M3 screw and a strip brass spring.
The arrangement works but brass on brass is far from ideal, especially given that my wetting current is low.
I own an ex-military morse key with tungsten contacts. Tungsten appears to be readily available as 2.4mm diameter welding rod. Has anyone had any success machining this? My Mini-lathe and I are intimidated!
Alternatively, has anyone tried silver plating brass at home. Is it possible without using Silver Nitrate and Potassium Cyanide? I doubt either is available 'over the counter'!
I see 2mm diameter silver rod can be bought on ebay. This looks like something I could work with but none of my practical books cover silver and I have no experience with it. Am I cruising for a bruising?
Finally, does anyone have any other suggestions? The cheaper the better!