Peter, this clock is a real cracker and not too difficult for a model engineers first clock.The build booklet helped me a lot and was well worth the cost.
I'm afraid that I cheated with my face, I drew it up in DesignCad which I had just purchased but cut the concentric rings on the lathe with the intention of using my vertical miller to cut the figures BUT THEN!!! the company I worked for took delivery of a new CNC miller and the operator was looking for something to test it on. Out of concern for the company's wellbeing, I offered to let them practice on my clockfaces (I needed two as I was also making a clock for a friend) and the result came out very well.
I was going to attempt to make the case but the clock came out so well that I went to a maker and restorer of furniture in Derbyshire who made a superb job in American Oak and even fitted toughened glass.
All the best with your clock.