Some forum members will be aware that I provided a series for the Model Engineer magazine showing both a Stuart 10V, and 10H, being made using just a small lathe and a drilling machine.
Subsequently, I published all the photographs in the series on my web site as many of the photographs (82 in all) were understandably published quite small and the photographs on my site could be much larger, as a result, display the finer details of the setups.
This I considered would be helpful to those making the engines, including those who did not have access to the magazine articles. The details of the number of visits to these pages show that they are very popular.
I have now, for the benefit of those who do not have the magazine articles,included the text describing the methods I proposed, some additional to those illustrated in the photographs. See these pages here.
It is perhaps, a little inappropriate to publish this at a time when the castings are not available but hopefully that situation will be resolved satisfactorily soon.
Surely, the demise of the Stuart brand would have a greater effect on the hobby than the demise of Myford.
Edited By Harold Hall 1 on 21/04/2012 18:30:30