In my previous post I asked Dave how he ensured that the distance between the Vees on the toolholders was exactly right. I see he's since dealt with exactly the same question over on the HSM forum so to save him the trouble of posting here I'm quoting his answer below:
I used the DRO wich has 0.005mm glass scales, the V's are exactly 60mm apart on this one so I was working to a round number at least.
Once I set the head over to a true 45 degree using ground angle blocks and checked with a degree gauge to be sure, I picked up center with the first holder set in the vise with a secure stop and it was just a matter of locking all axis's other than the Y and going 30mm either side of center and they came out spot on.
One the first one I did marked the face of the V with a marker texta and then turned it around to see if it was truly cutting at 45 degrees just to be sure.
One side (on each side) of the V is cut with the side of the end mill and the mating side is cut with the bottom, so all done in one set up. The end mill worked perfectly as the V's are 90 degree V's.
With the parallels in the vise that gave the correct distance for the depth of the V's, and after each one came off the mill I would check it on the lathe to make sure the handle locked in the same position for each one as I had marked the tool post with a marker.
About halfway through the post I mentioned a couple that where colored red and blue by me. They where slightly under size by around 0.2-0.5mm (from memory) on the outside as something went on when band sawing those couple, so these where done on there own after the others. It was either take all the blocks down to match them or just leave it as was, which was a lot less work and I left those holders as the the spare blanks anyway.
I think I mentioned earlier that after hogging them out I used a nice new Dormer 20mm end mill to finish the V's with plenty of coolant. I don't have a grinder so I had to get the best surface finish I could from the mill.
I went to the extra trouble to triple check the set ups as once you start loading them in there is no putting it back one, and I didn't want 46 blocks of scrap metal.
I hope that explains it all
Hope you don't mind me doing this Dave.