Posted by Neil Wyatt on 15/07/2015 20:57:18:
As admin I should say I'm OK with these subjects being discussed responsibly, but am sensitive if any dodgy practices appear to be condoned or explained, not least as my wife has narrowly avoided being 'plinked' during her work. That's why I edited your post John, although that trick was well-known when I was a teenager.
It's interesting that,for whatever reasons, there seem to be more incidences of air reservoirs failing than model steam boilers, given that the majority of the latter are self-builds. I wonder how the numbers compare?
Neil, most of the failings of pcp cylinders are due most of the time to them being filled with oxygen or other industrial gases, The two that i heard about failing was basically due to user error, one way over pressurised the cylinder, and one had been bodging around,
I have made my living for the past twenty five years manufacturing and repairing pcp rifles, and have seen more or less every pcp rifle made, some in my opinion are good others bad, the older pcps where always over engineered but the downside to that they where heavy, but some of the newer rifles leave a lot to be desired regarding cylinder thickness etc, most are made to the minimum spec required, unlike model steam boliers that are way over engineered in comparison.
I have seen many rifles modified over the years that in my opinion are dangerous, usually done to try increasing the power over the uk limit, usually done by some have a go gunsmith who has no idea what they are doing, severely affecting the structural integrity of the rifle.
The problem is, currently pcps dont need any sort of testing, as long as the cylinder holds under 500cc of air no test is required, so it opens the door for all sorts of modders and fred in the shed manufacturing, i personally think every pcp should be pressure tested and then checked every few years the same as diving cylinders and steam boilers, lets face it, there is in excess of 3000psi in these rifles and some are nearly 30 years old,
I have not seen the book thats being disgust, so i cant comment on the rifles cylinder and pressure parts, but all i can say to anyone making one use proper spec tube and pressure test it,