To demagnitise a ferrous object by the AC degaussing method you create an alternating field that has to be greater than the initial field in the object. By then slowly reducing the alternating field to zero you “sweep out” the field to a small residual value by periodicaly reversing the magnetising field down to zero. If you remember Hysteresis curves then you are running around the curve reducing the B to zero at the origin 0.0.
The simplest method is to use an air cored coil large enough to be passed over the magnetised object then slowly remove the coil to some distance – say 5 diameters- away before switching off the current. ( Slow being 3-5 sec) Do not switch off before or you will magnetise the object!
At work we use a coil of 1m diameter and about 380 turns connected directly across the mains 240 V ac supply. No inrush protection is needed – it is an INDUCTOR !!!!
The draw is about 3A in air. It is used to degauss displays using CRT’s in steel frames and has been in daily use for 29 years. It has never failed it’s task. But it does use 1200m of wire!
You need about 1000 Amp/turns to demagnitise most steel objects, any less is a waste of time. Custom degaussers can use iron cores to confine the field to a small working region but they – along with “wand” degaussers will not work on machine tools. Nearly all demagnitisers are rated for intermittent use i.e. they overcurrent the coils so you don’t leave them running too long.
You don’t have to worry about motors or anything containing magnets in closed paths when bulk degaussing since the closed path is a very much lower reluctance than the demag path.
It might be possible to use an arc welder as an AC source running an air cored coil but unless you can reach around 1000A/t you could only touch very lightly magnetised objects.
Don’t bother with degauss coils from old colour TV’s, the field and their design is not suitable for the task. If you don’t understand coil design, insulation and are not happy with electricity seek help with degaussing. Connecting things across the mains may be harmful. If a friend gives you two wires to hold do not trust him ever again.
Regards, Alan.