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  • #472583


      Geoff Theasby

        My Fuji X-20 does not have interchangeable lenses, but screw-on closeeup lenses re a reasonable alternative.


          Terrific image Sam.

          Is it some sort of spark plug ?

          Raphael Golez
            Posted by Sam Stones on 18/05/2020 03:27:50:

            Great photographs Raphael, and an interesting opportunity to see the impressive work of others too.

            Try this one. What is it?

            crw_7189 - puzzle.jpg

            Sorry, no prizes!


            Edited By Sam Stones on 18/05/2020 03:32:09

            Looks like its made of wood. Nothing comes to mind Sam.


            Great close up Gary, first pics of crustaceans here. 

            Edited By RAPHAEL VAL GOLEZ 1 on 18/05/2020 10:33:06

            Nicholas Farr

              Hi Sam, could it be a spinning top?

              Regards Nick.


                Many years ago when I was doing my graduate studies in the early 80s, I made a reversal ring for my Minolta XG1 combining the stock 50mm with a stack consisting of a 100-200mm zoom and a 2X and a 3x converter – so 24x magnification I think. All produced using my Unimat with the screw cutting attachment.

                This photo is the edge of an EPROM taken through the window in the top for erasing with UV light (wow, that takes me back), probably a 2k version. The top section shows the memory cells, the lower half is the logic and switching part.

                eprom scan.jpg

                Depth of field was very small,down to a few mm I think, focus and definition clearly (or rather, unclearly) suffering from the multiple bits of glass in the way!

                Posted for the sake of interest, no comparison with some of the other stuff posted on this thread.


                  Experimenting with a 0.5mm rib cutter in aluminium, featuring a Bic biro tip and a thread of rolling tobacco.


                    Thought I would give the phone a try but difficult to see screen in the sun and tends to put the object you are trying to photograph in the shadow of the phone if you get too close!


                    Still shows this little fellow has been busy this morning. He and his mates have been doing a great job pollinating the Pyracantha. Cropped and brightened a bit in the GIMP.


                    duncan webster 1

                      Slightly off topic, but not far. My digital camera (Canon IXUS 230HS) doesn't have remote shutter release, which makes taking shake free close ups a bit hit and miss. I've been thinking of buying a bowden cable type device and making a bracket to support the business end above the button. They all seem to ave a very peculiar tapered thread, which presumably screwed into a similar thread on the camera (which mine doesn't have). Anyone else tackled this? It wouldn't be difficult ot make the whole bowden set up, but at ~£3 off ebay there is an incentive to adapt


                        When I saw the phone accessory lenses in the message from Nicholas Farr, I remembered that I also bought something like that, but never used it in earnest, Who keeps a box of accessories always in the pocket – not me.

                        But now out for a test. What I just had nearby was my Decca London cartridge. Gave quite a good picture, but not nearly good enough to check the diamond.

                        SOD mentioned the focus stacking method. Don't we all have a means to change object distance in very small increments, in form of the cross slide on our lathes? Methink it would be interesting to do some experiments.


                        Kind regards


                          Posted by Versaboss on 18/05/2020 13:21:59:

                          …SOD mentioned the focus stacking method. Don't we all have a means to change object distance in very small increments, in form of the cross slide on our lathes?

                          Kind regards

                          Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? Another job on my To Do list.





                            Geoff Theasby

                              I now found my Macro'ed photo, a notched screwdriver for scraping copper wires clean, using the macro facility on my Fuji X-20.

                              zz notch.jpg

                              Mark Easingwood
                                Posted by duncan webster on 18/05/2020 13:00:03:

                                Slightly off topic, but not far. My digital camera (Canon IXUS 230HS) doesn't have remote shutter release, which makes taking shake free close ups a bit hit and miss. I've been thinking of buying a bowden cable type device and making a bracket to support the business end above the button. They all seem to ave a very peculiar tapered thread, which presumably screwed into a similar thread on the camera (which mine doesn't have). Anyone else tackled this? It wouldn't be difficult ot make the whole bowden set up, but at ~£3 off ebay there is an incentive to adapt

                                Hi Duncan,

                                The bowden type ones have a tapered thread, and fit mechanical film cameras. Digital cameras require either a wireless or plug in type. The plug in type fit into a mini jack plug on the camera, the wireless type usually work via an infra red receiver on the camera. Bad news is they must be compatible to your model of camera. The shutter button is in effect just a two position electrical switch, half press activates focusing motor, full press activates the shutter.

                                If your subject is fairly static, just use the self-timer, set it on it's shortest duration if it is possible to do so.

                                PS To all those who don't know, never connect any self powered device, or flash, to your camera, unless it is deemed compatible, as any extra voltage going back to your camera, over it's safe limit, will fry it's brain……

                                Sam Stones

                                  But for the scale, this might even be the Grand Canyon.

                                  Grand Canyon.jpg

                                  leaking tap - 08.jpg

                                  This was the thread **LINK**

                                  Oh, and the colours are wrong for the Grand Canyon..

                                  That's a brilliant grasshopper photograph, Brandersnatch. Looks like flash from the side, with fill in from above?

                                  By the way, with this one (below) …

                                  You'll see it when you believe it. It's a brain teaser.


                                  Sam crw_7189 - puzzle.jpg

                                  mark smith 20

                                    passion flower


                                      Posted by Sam Stones on 18/05/2020 23:20:49:

                                      That's a brilliant grasshopper photograph, Brandersnatch. Looks like flash from the side, with fill in from above?

                                      Actually it was just available light, Sam. It was on the handrail of the stairs leading up to the condo we were renting in Florida (some years ago now when I wasn't persona non grata for medical insurance and used to drive down from Ontario in the spring for a few weeks). It was just "there" when I came back from the beach and I took the opportunity.

                                      The lighting is very bright – even harsh – in Florida so I can see where you might think it was flash.

                                        Posted by Bandersnatch on 19/05/2020 01:32:12:

                                        Posted by Sam Stones on 18/05/2020 23:20:49:

                                        That's a brilliant grasshopper photograph, Brandersnatch. Looks like flash from the side, with fill in from above?


                                        The lighting is very bright – even harsh – in Florida so I can see where you might think it was flash.


                                        That's impressive for natural light.

                                        Great shot.




                                          A pair of Hollyhock Weevils having a cuddle ….


                                          And a spider …


                                          Edited By Daniel on 19/05/2020 06:38:24

                                            Posted by Sam Stones on 18/05/2020 23:20:49:

                                            By the way, with this one (below) …

                                            You'll see it when you believe it. It's a brain teaser.



                                            Heating element ?

                                            My brain is being horribly teased … laugh

                                            Mind you, that doesn't take much.

                                            Are you going to tell us, Sam ?



                                            Colin Heseltine

                                              Following MIchael Gilligans comments about Achromatic Doublet lens giving good results I did a bit of googling and came across the NISI Closeup lens which is a Double Apochromatic Lens and with Multi-Nano Coating which had some excellent reviews. This looked like a good bet as did not want spend a fortune on a specialist macro lens.

                                              Turned up this morning so had a quick go before got on with some gardening projects.



                                              Hand held on Nikon D7000 with 70-300 zoom and the NISI lens.

                                              Quite pleased with results.


                                              Peter G. Shaw

                                                re Sam Stones,

                                                I think it's a submersible thermostat, possibly from a car. It's showing rust on both sides which implies permanent submersion. The two circular objects are springs, so I think it has a snap action to allow an increased water flow, eg the temperature in the engine block has reached normal so the thermostat moves to bring the radiator into play.

                                                Well, that's my thought. Probably totally and completely wrong!

                                                Peter G. Shaw

                                                Neil Wyatt
                                                  Posted by Sam Stones on 18/05/2020 23:20:49:

                                                  By the way, with this one (below) …

                                                  You'll see it when you believe it. It's a brain teaser.


                                                  Sam crw_7189 - puzzle.jpg

                                                  Thanks for the clue Sam, got it now


                                                  Michael Gilligan
                                                    Posted by Rod Clemett on 16/05/2020 00:04:23:

                                                    Those of you with more than a passing interest in fine optics, look away now!



                                                    … and can now feast your eyes on this:


                                                    … from a Zeiss brochure, recently re-discovered by someone on the microscopy forum.



                                                    Document is here:

                                                    Edited By Michael Gilligan on 20/05/2020 09:58:56


                                                      Captured this on the phone whilst out riding the bike yesterday:-


                                                      Rosa canina "Dog Rose" I believe.


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