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  • #616350
    Sam Stones

      Thanks, Nick.

      That’s another neat subject. Your front-to-back layout certainly makes the horse chestnuts jump-out.

      Clearly, within the limits of dof (depth of field), extra depth adds dimensional impact. The cropping issue you mentioned made no difference to my cross-eyed view of things. I also feel sure others recognise how your efforts are showing us the way, and providing both parallel and crossed pairs is also very much appreciated.

      Having plunged into his thread with a (3D) ‘branch line’ (back on Page 6 – 22/05/2020), I wonder what Raphael makes of all this.

      By the way, in my neck of industrial Lancashire, conker contests were a rarity, but certainly preferable to clug feh’tin (clog fighting) .


      Never actually entering into such a sporty pastime, I stopped wearing clogs upon leaving primary school.

      Keep up the good work.


      Michael Gilligan
        Posted by sam sokolik on 06/10/2022 20:19:50:

        been really impressed with my pixel phone… (4a 5g)


        You have impressed me too, Sam yes


        Nicholas Farr

          Hi Sam Stones, thanks, my cameras were set on A-DEP and the 18-55 lenses were set on 18. The subject was illuminated by a daylight bulb. Good to know the cross view worked OK, but I'm a bit miffed with myself for not getting the two images an equal width, but it just shows how good one's vision is.

          Sam Sokolik, I'm also impressed on how good your photo is.

          Regards Nick.

          Sam Stones

            A stereo pair with a big difference, i.e. not macro.

            Sorry guys, although someone might do the switch, it's only for cross-eyed viewing.



            Samsmile d

            Peter Greene

              Sam, can I suggest when posting APOD links such as this that you don't use the direct link. Instead,

              – go to the page

              – click on the "previous day" arrow at the bottom

              – then click on the "next day" arrow

              Which will get you back to where you thought you started except that it now has a fixed url containing the date.

              Like this **LINK**

              The link you posted will have moved on tomorrow!

              Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 03/12/2022 19:32:08

              Chris Mate

                The beauty of macro photigraphy is apart from the equipment its not expensive, you don't have to travel, its all in your yard/house/workshop around you.

                If you can photograph something on your lens, you added enough extenders between camera and lens.
                Thres also the F-Stop thing where you isolate the object from the surroundings, if you focus and place it around you mind find interesting colours appearing you dont otherwise see like that.

                A blue vice in your workshop in the background may become a colourfull stream of blue light addition without anybody recognise it as a vice behind your object, choice of F-Stop to regulate depth of field.

                In the beginning its very confusing using from macro to telephoto lenses, but there is an easy rule I follow, the nearer you get to the object the larger the F-Stop setting can be and still isolate the background, or the opposite, does not matter which camera, which lense used….The F-stop thing..,. The depth of field can range from millimeters to kilometers depending on distance and lens and aperture/F-Stop.

                Edited By Chris Mate on 03/12/2022 20:44:20

                Sam Stones

                  Thanks Peter, I now realise my mistake.

                  All this APOD, url, (and strange English spelling) stuff is a foreign language to an 87 yo.

                  It won't happen again blush


                  Samsmile d

                  Sam Stones

                    Well, I thought I'd try to tidy up my mistake.

                    Let's see …

                    Go to **LINK** then select Stereo Mars (2022 December 03).

                    That should work.

                    I could also have mucked about with the image, but I'm not sure if ME will take .png files.

                    How am I do'in Peter?

                    Keep safe,



                    Edited By Sam Stones on 04/12/2022 18:29:12

                    Peter Greene

                      Sure, that works too Sam.

                      Here's the images flipped for parallel (wall-eyed) viewing:

                      stereo mars par.jpg

                      Michael Gilligan

                        It seems about time this thread was revived … so have a look at this Green Weevil



                        I was very, very, impressed !


                        Sam Stones

                          The detail is brilliant, Michael.

                          It’s been almost six months since Peter Greene’s post so thanks for the link.

                          Earlier this week and somewhat coincidental, I was tempted to open Raphael’s thread by posting a link to an atypical NASA – Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive.

                          This is their website …


                          On 21st May ’23, they showed a picture called – ‘Tardigrade in Moss’. Seen here …


                          The mouthparts captured my attention, especially the ten-toothed ‘gear wheel’. It looks very mechanical.

                          Machined on a nano-mill perhaps?



                          Nicholas Farr

                            Hi, locking up my garage this evening, I just spotted this tiny little spider in the corner of the door sheeting.


                            Although I’ve seen these little white blobs of silky type of material fairly often, I’ve never seen one glowing, like it’s lit up with a little bulb inside it, and whether that tiny spider has a vested interest in it or not, I don’t know.

                            Regards Nick.

                            Michael Gilligan

                              Interesting, Nick … what do you think it might be ?


                              Nicholas Farr

                                Hi MichaelG, the only thing I can think of, is it maybe a cocoon full of tiddly little spiders growing, which is producing the glow, and that spider is keeping guard over it.

                                Regards Nick.


                                  Just a guess but it looks to me like a spiders egg sac could be ready to hatch it’s content’s


                                  Michael Gilligan

                                    Very logical chaps … except I don’t think we have many luminescent spiders, or cocoons,  in the U.K.

                                    I would be happy to be proved wrong !


                                    Nicholas Farr

                                      Hi MichaelG, I had another look at that little spider with it’s glowing silky looking blob, and while it is shaded from daylight coming from the sides and the top, I suddenly thought, what about the daylight from the front, so, I held my hand in front of it, while still being able to see it, and it was just like the glow was switch off, and it came back when I moved my hand away. Therefore I think the white blob is so reflective throughout, it made it look like a little light. The spider hasn’t moved one bit since yesterday evening.

                                      Regards Nick.

                                      Michael Gilligan

                                        Thanks for that, Nick


                                        Roderick Jenkins

                                          I’ve been having a play with Focus Stacking use the “Elements +” plug-in for Photoshop Elements.

                                          Quite impressed, this is a dead Sand Tailed Digger Wasp (according to  Obsidentify) I found on a windowsill:

                                          a Sand Tailed Digger Wasp

                                          and this is a Southern Emerald Damselfly


                                          Southern Emerald Damselfly

                                          The first was taken in a studio situation using a cheapo focusing rack from ebay and the second was taken in the field by shifting focus hand held.

                                          To add a bit of workshop stuff to this post, I cobbled together a flash diffuser from 2 bits of 2mm foam sheet from Hobbycraft, the black foam is lined with aluminium tape I had left from insulating the workshop.


                                          If anybody is interested, I’ve put the photostacks in my  Gallery



                                          Michael Gilligan

                                            Nicely done, Rod

                                            and the software’s alignment of those Damsel images is very impressive.



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