Posted by Ian Phillips on 14/10/2013 19:14:10:
What do you mean by Polyurathane?
The Polyurethane I know of is a rubbery sort of material and certainly would not produce white snowflakes. I have only 'machined' it on the lathe with Stanley knife blades.
Can you give a better description of the material?
Ian P
Hi Ian and thank you all for your replies so far.
"Snowflakes" is probably a bit of a dramatic term. Lots of fine crumbly white bits is probably closer to the truth. It is yellowish translucent and as described above, soft and bendy. Yes – Horrid is a good description. You could almost certainly tie a knot in a piece of 8mm diameter.
Not like Corian Jason – which I have machined with great success in the past.
How do you use the Stanley blades to turn material, they are slicing blades?