Posted by Nicholas Wheeler 1 on 06/07/2021 14:04:52:
Posted by William Harvey 1 on 06/07/2021 13:25:57:
Posted by noel shelley on 06/07/2021 11:31:02:
Pilot = old valve stem ! Fix is as above ! BUT as NDIY has said do the job on a mill, round nose cotter Etc. I feel you are trying to achieve a degree of accuracy that is not needed and in combustion space balancing UNLESS you can macine every space to a hight tolerance to get ballance will in balancing alter that shape. The shape needs to be right ish but it's the chamber volume that needs to be right ! I have a little used B & D valve seet cutter/facer, PM me. Good Luck, Noel.
The reason I am doing this on a lathe is (a) to learn how to machine on a lathe and (b) because I don't have a mill.
So bore a hole the same dia as an old valve stem and loctite it in place?
Yes. Think how much easier that is than reducing a 25mm to 9/32" over a 70mm length. Not only do you save work, time and material but you get a better result.
Another thing; why is the tool so big? The tool head only needs to be long enough to hold the cutting tool. I spent a few minutes guesstimating for my head, which use a 23mm diameter valve, and think this

will need to be slightly smaller diameter to fit inside the valve seat once I actually get the head apart.
Nice drawing, what did you used to draw it?
I am considering your idea of using the stem from an old valve, but need to check a few things.
The valve throats on and A Series 12G940 head are around 26mm (Exhaust) and 31 – 32mm (Inlet).
So with this in mined, the diameter of the tool needs to be small enough to fit into a 26mm valve, but the cutting bit needs to be able to stick out far enough to cut a recess of around 3 – 5mm (Not su re how much) around the top edge of a 32mm valve throat?
Let's say we 2mm clearance between the tool and the valve throat sides. The tool needs to have a diameter of 24mm.
We want a recess with a 5mm diameter.
With a tool head of 24mm, on a valve throat of 32mm, the end of the cutting bit needs to protrude 8mm?
Drilling a 7mm hole into the base of the tool head to fix a valve stem into the base of the tool will impede the hole for the tool bit, unless the hole for the tool bit is drilled far enough up the tool head? If it is will this be an issue?