Posted by Stueeee on 01/07/2021 21:35:14:
IMO, If you're going to use a pilot cutter rather than make a number of reference cuts with a slotdrill as suggested earlier, what you're aiming for should look very much like the hand operated cutter in the photo of the early Chevrolet head in my previous post.
Machine the cutter from a single piece of mild steel. Doesn't need to be anything fancy; I usually use EN3B, EN1A should be OK too. 'A' series valves are 9/32 diameter, so that's going to be the size you're going to machine your pilot to. Once you've machined the pilot, put the job in a pair of vee blocks and drill across the piece immediately above the 9/32" section to the same size as whatever piece of round HSS you're going to use.
Once that's done, turn the piece 90 degrees and drill the hole for the grubscrew. The drilled hole needs to be the tapping size for whatever size grubscrew you choose. It needs to be smaller than the toolbit diameter; e.g. if you are using a 5/16" diameter toolbit, then aim for a 1/4" or 6mm grubscrew. At the top of the piece crossdrill again for the tommy bar.
Re. grinding the toolbit, to produce a flat cut, the cutting edge needs to be at 90 degrees to the pilot. Orientate the tool bit in the hole so that it has zero or negative rake, otherwise the toolbit will 'dig in' while you're cutting.
HTH. Stuart.
Edited By Stueeee on 01/07/2021 21:37:07
I picked up some mild steel from a fabrication company a few weeks ago, but I have no idea what grade it is? Yes the old guides are 9/32", so that's the pilot size.
Here are some scans of a similar tool to the one you are describing that I managed to pick up on the Mig Welding Forum from the Vizard Book mentioned in these threads (not great quality and I cannot read the detail). It says the tool is for cutting radiused valve seats, not sure what these are, based on that all the research I have done is that valve seats are 30 / 45 / 60 degrees? The same tool with a different shape cutting tip could be used to cut hardened valve seat recesses of depth guide like I want. Also seems to be used in a drill and manually, but my drill is too fast, hence using the lathe.

This tool also has the cutter at 90 degrees to the pilot as opposed to the others which are angled (angles seem to differ, are there particular angles for particular cuts?).
I am a little confused with the shape of the actual cutting bit and what I should use to make it.
In your reply you said:
"Re. grinding the toolbit, to produce a flat cut, the cutting edge needs to be at 90 degrees to the pilot. Orientate the tool bit in the hole so that it has zero or negative rake, otherwise the toolbit will 'dig in' while you're cutting."
So the cutting face would be along the bottom edge of the cutting bit in the image above.
Here is another scan from the same source showing the cutting bit (albeit not for the use I need, but I can use it to describe what I think you mean)

In the image above I assume we are looking towards the tool and the tool bit is facing us.
If I understand correctly the rake shown above is positive and will dig in, however you are suggesting the opposite? I can't get my head around how a tool with a negative rake will cut, but I found this explanation and negative rake seems to be better for harder materials such as steel (and I guess cast iron?).
Without having any clear guidance on tool dimensions (as the detail is unclear in the scan) I will for the time being start with the following:
Shank Length – 70mm (long enough to fit tightly in the chuck)
Tool Head (The part the cutting bit is mounted in) – Dia less than valve throat, length 35mm (about 4 times bigger that the diameter of the cutting tool?)
Pilot Size: Dia 9/32", Length 80mm (about the thickness of the cylinder head)
For the diameter of the tool head, inlet valves are considerably larger than exhaust, could I make the tool suitable for exhaust throats but also use it on an inlet by moving the tool bit out to suit?
Edited By William Harvey 1 on 02/07/2021 10:29:11
Edited By William Harvey 1 on 02/07/2021 10:32:05