A few comments re fixing to faceplate etc. Some might be useful, some not.
Try to use one thread for fixings. Mixed imperial and metric is a bear.
My main machinery is imperial (it’s all ‘old iron&rsquo
so I stayed imperial with hold-downs, but one should not ignore the change to metric. Metric is generally cap screws and imperial is hex, for mine Painted bolts (and nuts) for colour differentiation is a good idea if using mixed thread fixings. If you could, avoid imperial, is what I would recommend you do.
Soft bolts are the order of the day if screwing against your nice flat face plate surface. Alternatives are packing behind the bolt heads to protect the surface. I prefer jacking away from the faceplate by a nut (plus a lock nut, if space allows) behind the clamp – it allows plain holes rather than threaded ones in at least most of the fixings (much faster to ‘knock up&rsquo
. Nuts on both sides can stiffen up the clamps for initial adjustment in lots of instances, if that is a problem.
Use lots of plain washers – either as spacers or under all nuts
The more supports/hold-downs that can be used, the better it is – usually. It is better to have too many – and need to remove the odd one for access than not have enough – btdt.
While good, the hold-down kits seem to have generously-sized clamps (they will certainly not bend) for many jobs.
Look forward to the day you take possession of a mill. It makes a great number of machining operations so much easier.🙂
Parallels: Good to have at least one decent set, but can be substituted for ‘almost parallel’ strips plus appropriate shims where necessary. Strips of key steel sufficed, for me, for some time.🙂 My wife eventually persuaded me to buy a good set. They do get a lot of use, but I still occasionally ‘need’ thin ones or wavy ones but I get by. Where do you stop?
I’ve had the set for some years but only unwrapped the last pair (of twenty) this last week (and still didn’t choose to use that pair, for the job in hand!). Don’t buy from ban good – they will likely be not quite square, not quite parallel or not quite the width you expect, or a combination of discrepancies (check out ‘Emmas Spareroom Workshop’ video on a review of angle plates she was supplied with). Close enough for a beginner but probably a PITA when more experienced and expecting good accuracy. Buy cheap, buy twice comes to mind.🙂