Thanks for replies. Obviously many ways to skin this cat – sadly I won't be able to use John Pace's grinding technique because – well, I can't. Looks like a nice way if you've got the kit though! The idea of a making Morse taper boring bar is interesting – I could probably do that.
I've now bought the tools pictured in my opening post though (only one remaining, order within 39 minutes for next day delivery – I'm a sucker for that sort of sales pressure) so shall experiment with them bearing in mind advice about achieving concentricity.
I'm sure I can make the spindle to acceptable tolerances one way or another, but I'm going through a 'get it right first time man' phase. I'm bad at planning lathe machining sequences to avoid resetting the work, losing concentricity and having to resort to the 4-jaw though.
This is the spindle I want to reproduce:

The internal 1MT taper is on the left – the rest of the spindle is solid. My thinkings so far, based on the kit
I have are:
- Mount an oversized bar between centres, turn the external features then remount on-axis in the 4-jaw to make the taper.
- Make the taper first in oversized bar, put a small 60 degree chamfer at the end, mount between centres and then do the external features.
- Make the taper in oversize bar first, bung in a 1MT soft arbor and rely on the centre hole in the soft end of the arbor to turn the external features between centres.
- None of the above

It's for a wood turning lathe, so a couple of thou out isn't going to be a problem, but I want to get it as accurate as I possibly can – I took the job on for a small, but negative, financial gain as a way of advancing my skills and doing someone else a bit of good.
Edited By Robin Graham on 14/05/2021 01:18:58
Edited By Robin Graham on 14/05/2021 01:27:37
Edited By Robin Graham on 14/05/2021 01:36:01