My usual vice for the manual mill is a Vertex K4 (100mm) bought from Chronos used without the swivel.
-I like the starting handle type handle more than the knuckle types though they can be changed.
-I like that there is no hole in the middle of the base as it is handy for small work but that can be countered by the base not being the full width you need to take a bit of care when tapping down something at the end of the jaws.
-It has a smaller footprint than the Kurt types which also allows the handwheels to be seen though not really a problem as i have a DRO
-It does have slight jaw lift maybe a thou or two.
The main one on the CNC is a 80mm ARC universal again without the swivel again.
-Better support for parallels right out to the ends of the jaws
-Handy to be able to reconfigure for large items
– Comes with keys so quick for locating on the table
– No sign of jaw lift
-Jaws are proportionally slightly shorter so size of a cylinder laid flat is a little less
– You can drop small work into the gap in the middle
– “gutter” around the edge makes the footprint larger so can obstruct the handwheels when used on the manual mill
I’ve also been using the 100mm versatile on the manual mill over the last couple of weeks as I have been working on some plates that needed 75-100 jaw opening and it worked fine despite a bit of excessive front overhand and handwheel out of sight let alone the dial.
I have 30mm and 80mm type 2 but don’t really like them, only vice I have had a couple of items move in. The 80mm hardly sees light of day, the 35mm handy for holding at an angle in the bigger vice for small light work.