I had posted this thread NEVER expecting that it would run like this, only in hope of helping a member to aquire a useful machine tool at a good price ! But in view of where it's gone I will tell a tale – the prcise details I have forggoten but you get the drift !
An advert appeared in many news papers for a gadget that one could not live without and at a very reasonable price ! There was huge takeup of this bargain, and there was a money back guarantee ! After a few weeks all respondents recieved a letter telling of the huge responce and that all stocks had been exhausted. It was unknown when new stocks would become available and that therefore a FULL frfund was enclosed in the form of a cheque !The cheque was drawn on the account of The Sexual Deviation Society !
The sum of money was not large and most never presented their gheques ! This netted a considerable sum of money – was it leagal or a scam ? Noel.