I use Mach3 on my router and Engraver, but cannot remember where the motor setups data is stored ( acceleration and max velocity settings) . Is it in the .DAT file? . Stalling is either binding slides/leadscrews or those motor speeds and accels data got corrupted – I think the latter is unlikely – I have never had Mach3 itself become corrupt, nor its setup files, not in 19 years of Mach3 use…
Going past the home position is most likely the home position sensor feedback is not happening – broken cable, microswitch, connector, etc? You can look in the Mach3 diag page at the switch sensors and jog the axis to the home position – you should see the sensor 'led' light up ( or go out, if sense is reversed..)
The cutter 'going walkabout' is difficult to comment on – that means little…
If a stepper looses steps during the machining cycle ( bad accel / velocity values, or binding as mentioned) then the cutter will be in the wrong place when sent off to do the next Gcode line, so may appear to be walking about…
There are checks you can do, but you do need to be familiar with how Mach3 works, how to enter MDI commands, how to view the diagnostic page, etc. Are you? If so I am happy to try assist you in checking your setup. If not, I am happy to try get you familiar with it all first!