Active high implies when the signal is set, eg, Spindle turned ON, the driving or control signal is a HIGH voltage level = +5v on most cases on MACH3.
Low would then be inactive and OFF.
So, as to what you need, high or low, depends on the item being driven by the voltage.
Stepper motor drivers normally require that the STEP pulse signal be 'active high', that is, the signal is normally low, and pulses high for a short duration ( 1-5us) and then low again, and the stepper moves 1 step. Now a stepper control also normally has optically isolated inputs – you apply +5v to the +STEPIN pin on the controller, and you pull the -STEP IN pin to ground to step the motor. This causes current to flow in the opto, and is seem by the controller as the 'STEP HIGH PULSE' it wants.
To pull that pin low, one way of doing it is as follows –
Assuming your Breakout Board (BOB) has an NPN OPEN COLLECTOR output to drive the stepper controller -STEP pin –
Then set the STEP PIN on MACH 3 par port setup to ACTIVE HIGH. That signal then goes from the par port pin to the BOB, into the open collector driver. Now, when you apply a +ve voltage to a NPN transistor base, it turns ON, pulling the collector to the emitter, which will be connected to ground. So the Collector goes low, pulling the stepper controller -STEP pin to ground, and the stepper steps…
That configuration is the open collector current SINK ( sinking to ground)
To hopefully not confuse you further…
You could also use a PNP output to SOURCE current –
Set the MACH par port pin the ACTIVE LOW this time –
Connect that pin the a PNP output on the BOB.
Now, when the port pin goes LOW, a low voltage on the PNP transistor base will turn it on. But the transistor is connected differently – the EMITTER is connected to +5V, and the collector goes to the stepper controller +STEP PIN. The controller -STEP PIN is now connected to ground.
So when the PNP transistor turns on, the collector goes to +5V, applying this to the +STEP PIN and the motor steps..
2 different ways of doing the same things, one sinking current, one sourcing.
In the inputs – lets say you have a limit microswitch on an axis. You have connected on end of the switch to +5V. The other end goes to a port pin input. When the switch closes , +5v appears on the port pin. That is ACTIVE HIGH
I don't know the MB3 board, but that is an implementation where the signals are from that board via USB or ethernet9?) and not from a parallel port board. That does not change anything though – If you want to drive a relay, connect one end of the coil to +V, the other end to an NPN, Current SINK output on the board, and set the port bit active high – then when you set that pin high, the transistor turns on, the collector goes to ground, and the relay turns on..
Does that help at all?