I have Mach 3 software on a disc and I have a mill that I would like to fit Glass scales onto it, can someone point me in the right direction.
I would like to just use the Mach 3 DRO using Glass scales but what would I need in order to do this, im really more thinking about the wiring up of it all.
Would I need a "breakout board" in order to connect the glass scales(which I have not purchased yet), as I cant find any info on how you connect the glass scales to the computer.
Any advice to start off would be great, im not wanting the cnc motor option but would like to use the Mach 3 dro instead of buying a dedicated DRO.
I think I read somewhere that you should buy Quadrature type glass encoders as thats what Mach 3 needs? maybe someone who has done this could let me know I would be grateful
Thanks in advance