Well the eclipse was amazing here, although the moon was disappearing into mist before it reappeared and I retired. This is an edit down of what I posted on an astronomy forum.
My daughter got up to see it, I had my small scope set up for optical viewing. Within minutes she had the knack of afocal shots and keeping the disc in view. It absolutely blew her away and with the HDR on her iphone she was able to get both illuminated and red parts of the disc showing some detail.
I got lots of shots at 30-second spacing with my bridge camera, plus plenty with my DSLR through my bigger scope.
Visually, it was interesting how the eye keeps pace with the moon, yet the stars slowly come out.
Because daughter was using the non-photography scope I saw very little though a scope and focused on using my eyes and taking pics, but what I did see was magical, especially once the stars came out around the moon.
Some time after three I could see the milky way through cassiopeia and into perseus – proof that my skys aren't too bad when there is no cloud. I decided to slew round and get some shots of the Plieades, a bit later I spotted Orion, but not log after that a mist started rising and the moon rapidly faded to a dim glow. It would finally get behind the trees for good, so I packed up.