Particularly the first article up concerning 'low tech sewage treatment' – all human effluent discharging into fish ponds which provides nutrients for the fish to get nice and fat – which was how I caught 'amoebic dysentery' whilst up-sticks and living on 'bush tucker' in China.
Finished up with the local Shanghai medics saying I must have a brain tumour (suffered with unbelievable headaches/migraines ). After being medevaced back to UK via Vietnam (where they spotted it straight away) eventually got the condition cured (took the best part of a year ) – the cause was an obscene little parasite that lives in the gut of 80% of the locals but has no effect on them. I did manage to lose 4 stone in 9 weeks though!
Edited to get rid of the emoji parasite!
Edited By Oily Rag on 14/04/2021 16:56:51