Loss of power and torque – Amadeal Lathe


Loss of power and torque – Amadeal Lathe

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      Thanks for having me why’s it took me this long to get here ? So I’ve got a Chinese lathe from Amadeal and I have a problem and wondered if any of you could help me out I’ve asked Amadeal who are good at selling but not a lot of help after sales I’ve asked them about this but they don’t seem to reply etc . When the lathes running it seems to lose power and torque I can stop it with my hand so evidently as soon as you take a bigger cut it just stops the motor until you pull off it keeps going but has no torque at all but it did when I bought it


        What Model lathe is it and is it Brushed or Brushless?

        Howard Lewis

          Not familiar with the machine, or electronic speed controls, but is it worth checking what voltage is being fed to the motor?  Does it change as the speed control pot is moved?

          As a total electronic ignoramus, it sounds as if it might be a Control Board problem, (minor would be a faulty speed control potentiometer, major would be component failure)

          No doubt someone more knowledgeable will be able to give better advice.


          John Haine

            Is it new and under warranty?  If so Amadeal must fix it.  Bad publicity here will help motivate them. Don’t give them any excuse to wriggle out.


              Hi it’s a AMA250AV-F and i dont think it’s brushless cheers Steve


                Hi no not new I’ve had it about 5 years so my problem now just need some help which is hard coming they don’t seem to have any in house engineers to help


                  Hugh who owns Amadeal is a member, maybe he will post here and offer some help. At that age it may be inverter drive to an AC motor similar to what Warco have but could also be the older DC Brushed motor. He should at least be able to tell us what exactly you have.


                    I’ve had a reply finally and have ordered a speed controller as advised by them so let’s hope it is that thanks for your help regards Steve

                    Tim Chambers

                      Just one thing, I have an AMA210 and when I had problems it turned out to be grease on the drive belt and pulleys. So before tearing it apart to change things check the belts to make sure they are clean.


                        I can stop the chuck and motor with my hand so belts stop too thanks a lot steve

                        File Handle

                          There are lots of posts similar to this on Chinese lathes. This got me thinking that there might be a market for a MEW special on running, maintaining and problem solving such lathes. It could bring together the experience of several users.


                            Good idea FH.  Not a simple task I’m sure. I just hope someone has the time and interest to coordinate such a venture to make it worthwhile.

                            File Handle

                              Yes bringing together the experiences of a wide variety of users could be invaluable, cf a book written by one person.

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