An exciting development!
A copy of the CD-ROM version of the book came up on eBay last week, and I've managed get the winning bid. I didn't share before in case I brought too much attention to it and drove the price up by accident ![angel angel]()
There was one other person who had bid, but I don't know who they are as eBay won't tell you – if you are reading this, mystery bidder, please get in touch I would love to have someone else who is building the same engine to talk with.
I am going to get in touch with archive dot org to see what the copyright implications are for giving them a copy as it's so hard to get your own now, will update this thread with what they say. It may be we can solve the inaccessibility problem once and for all but I don't want to end up on the wrong side of someone's lawyers.
Fingers crossed!