29 July 2024 at 20:50 Ian P Said:
I have never found any stainless or difficult to machine shaft in the ten or twenty printers I have cannibalised.
Ian P
I have, but only one! It came out of an early HP Inkjet, not cheap, that also yielded a number of brass blocks. I guess the blocks were an anti-vibration measure, necessary because the design wasn’t quite right.
Goodness knows what this particular rod is made of. Induction hardened Chrome plated rod is about as hard as HSS, but this stuff resists carbide!
Must be the exception that proves the rule, because all the other rods salvaged from printers and scanners machine well.
I’m still investigating why some of my posts add blank lines at the end. First suspect was the edit window expander button, dotted arrow in the corner, which I often use on my big-screen workstation:

Doesn’t seem to be that though. Another mystery!