Many thanks for all the replies- to slightly elaborate/explain:
I am making an LBSC Bat (Schools Class 4-4-0, 0 Gauge)
Curly states the crosshead be made from bronze (which may be tinned for the steel appearance externally if desired) and using silver steel for the cross head guide bars for resilience – I was planning to case harden the bearing surfaces of the coupling rods (all rods for coupling, not just the coupling rods themselves if you see what I mean) which he recommends – so potentially I may use 3/32 key steel (mild steel) and case harden for the guide bars too…
I'm sure suggesting I'm making a Bat will provoke more questions than 'why use silver steel for the guides', particularly if you realise I am planning the full valve gear rather than slip eccentric, and coal firing, but I have the design which I understand is functional, and I want to, just 'because'!!