Having (finally) got Solid Edge Community Edition, the 3D one, up and running under Virtual Box on my MacPro I tried to install the Free 2D alongside it.
The installer system won't let me do it. Although the download .exe installer file says its for the 2D version any attempt to install simply runs the repair process on the Community Edition installation. Which takes ages!
If I delete the Community Edidtion and run the Free 2D installer it comes up with the 2D version but now any attempt to install the 3D Community Edition simply does a repair process on the Free 2D install. Which also takes ages.
Presumably a lot of the background data files are common to both 2D and 3D versions and this is upsetting the installer.
Only work-around I can see is to delete the existing Community Edition installation, make separate folders for 2D and 3D installations and edit the file path during installation to put the programs in separate folders. Which assumes the installer won't go looking for the "Seimens" folder other places preventing the second installation. Means doubling up on all the support data which is a waste but I do have space.
I presume simply re-naming the existing Siemens file will muck everything up and be not help.
I suppose the nuclear option is to have two Virtual Machines, one for 2D and one for Community Edition. So now I have all the Microsoft stuff I don't want or need twice.
As a Mac user since SE days I don't understand Windows.