Little cracker issue 190


Little cracker issue 190

Home Forums Model Engineer & Workshop Little cracker issue 190

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  • #91094
    David Clark 13

      Hi there

      Sorry, accidentally deleted this thread.

      I meant to delete a duplicate post.

      regards david

      David Clark 13

          You won't live this one down you know face 1


          David Clark 13

            Hi There

            We all make mistakes.

            I get a lot more options as adminstrator and it is easy to click the wrong one.

            First time in about 3 or 4 years.

            It was the first post in a new page and I clicked delete at the top of the post instead of the bottom.

            regards David



            Edited By David Clark 1 on 18/05/2012 14:03:34

            chris stephens

              What Ho DC,

              Thanks for offer, but I have just `made the 12 mile round trip to buy a copy.



                Sorry you deleted the thread david. I did have a moan about this one. The article on the 'Poor Man's Shadowgraph' The drawings change units all the time with some dimensions imperial some metric and some …well who can guess. back in the days of harold Hall…Yes I am that old, drawings very definitely stated the units they were in and marked any deviations from that. This latest set of drawings are super confusing because of it. Yes I know we are all intelligent grown ups but our ageing brains can find it difficult to keep up!

                More clarity in future please.indecision


                Peter G. Shaw

                  Ok, so you have accidently deleted a thread. Ok, we all make mistakes, me more than anyone else – apparently.

                  Anyway, back in the days when I managed to finagle myself into the position of System Manager for a very small multi-user computer system, it was drummed into me that I must do backups, backups, and backups. So much so, that when one ill-informed user found a particular command, and managed to delete something he should not have, I was able to restore from the latest backup.

                  So have you requested a restoration?


                  Peter G. Shaw

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