Loads of tools. I take it not the USB as Bazyle suggests because Mint is installed.
Most obviously the computer is a weakling and Mint a hefty distribution. A 1.8Ghz Atom is slow, and 2Gb RAM is tiny. Could be a quart in a pint pot problem. My daughter owned one, because it was cheap for a student, and it came with a stripped down Windows. Only had room on the disc for a couple of applications and it was slow compared with my £laptop.
Tools for investigating from the command line, in the order I’d try them, your choice may be better:
free – shows used and free memory. Only having 2Gb available is bad news, even if free looks reasonably healthy. Problem is Linux uses all the memory it can to buffer files for performance, and almost everything in Linux is a file! If RAM is low, very little is buffered and everything is read slowly off the disc. Chug chug… An Atom without much RAM implies a low-end machine, so the disc could be slow as well.
vmstat -shows virtual memory. This is where the OS stores processes that have to be swapped in and out to make space. Excessive swapping, due to RAM and the swap space being too small, causes thrashing, in which the OS spends more time organising what will be run next than running it! When tiny RAM is all that’s available, it makes sense to allocate a swap partition of at least the same size. Usually offered as an option by the installer – if there isn’t a swap partition consider adding one.
free and vmstat should identify if the problem is memory. If not, keep going…
top – lists processes in greed order. Look for anything that’s persistently at the top and running 100% CPU. Could be running amok, so kill it (type k). The summary shows load at 1, 5 and 15minute intervals. ‘load’ is a measure of how long the process queue is on average. Up to 3 is normal, longer queues suggest the hardware isn’t getting through the work fast enough, often insufficient RAM, but maybe faulty hardware. Discs often go into a slow decline in which blocks have to be reread several times to get past the checksum check. Faulty network cards, and poor network connections can also cause sluggish behaviour. If the disc is failing, it’s likely many blocks are bad, and it should be replaced. If the disc is suspected, investigate badblocks. Approach with extreme caution – it can destroy the disc! If the disc contains valuable data, back it up…
dmesg – lists what was loaded during boot. Look for warnings and errors.
mpstat – shows what the CPU is doing – time spent on user, on system, and waiting for IO, idling etc.
pidstat – shows what processes are doing, useful for looking at top’s list of suspects. But try it anyway.
ifstat – shows what the network is doing. Look for excessive error repeats. A few don’t matter, but showers of them are bad.
Whatever it is, not disc fragmentation. That’s a Windows problem.