I found that since the forum was update I couldn’t reply or start a new topic I was getting error 403 but tonight I thought I would try again using my tablet and found I could both reply and start a new topic, so I am now wondering if my problem is down to the fact I run Linux mint and Firefox on my laptop. Are there other Linux user having any problems?
I reported a 403 error a few days ago: nothing to do with Linux.
Re testing:
- Jason tested mostly with Windows, and some Tablet testing.
- I tested mostly with Linux (Ubuntu, mostly Firefox, but also Chrome and Opera), plus a flying visit with Mac & Safari, an hour or two with Windows 11, and about 10 minutes with an Android tablet.
I didn’t identify any significant difference between Windows and Linux, or Mac. Results were very similar. The tablet seemed OK except for the screen size. Possibly my fault – I don’t know how to get the best out of a tablet, and it was very undertested.
The old forum was thoroughly debugged, making it likely than most glitches were due to the member’s computer or network. Other way round at the moment, it appears to me that most bugs are in the server. The new forum is buggy, so don’t start by assuming it’s your fault.
I suspect whatever is damaging performance is causing the forum to malfunction internally, explaining why some bugs appear and disappear almost at random. There may be no direct link between cause and effect; Harry’s 403 error wasn’t caused by him or his equipment, it was the result of the server overloading due to what other people were doing at the same time. If I’m right, several bugs will miraculously disappear as soon as performance is fixed.