Hi, the lifetime updates are for the life of the Sat-Nav, you would have to read what Tom Tom regards as its lifetime though, my Garmin one has several reasons as to when the lifetime ends, one of which, is, it has to be updated whenever updates are available, so if I don’t update mine within a certain period when updates become available, it is automatically designated that it has reached the end of its life, regardless whether or not, that it is in working order. I think another reason is if generally, if the number of my particular model falls in demand overall of these updates, then this model will have reached the end of its life. Probably one other reason is probably as they get older, they cannot be updated with newer tech. My Garmin is about 6-1/2 years old, but as a lot of people use their phones these days, mine may well not have many more years before updates are no longer available for it. I had a Nav-Man one for many years before I got my current Garmin, but that didn’t have updates without paying a premium price for them, but that ended with its own end of life, when the screen went a bit crazy, and then just went blank, and when I had no real clue where I was, or which direction I had to go to reach my destination, and so I had to stop somewhere safe and prop up my phone and use that yo get where I was heading for, and then return home. Personally, I prefer a Sat-Nav to a phone.
Regards Nick.