I was given a 4foot long LED tube light with the replacement starter which is in fact a fuse. The wiring instructions said – remove the starter and replace with the LED fuse (Which is the same shape as a starter). But it hadn't worked for the previous owner, and didn't work for me. No problem, so I took it to pieces and decided it was junk. HOWEVER
The LED strip is a string of 96 LEDs, I put a voltmeter on the output of the electronic gubbins and got a reading of 1 volt DC (feeding 240v to the supply side of the unit) – re-connected the LCD strip to the 1 volt output, observing polarity etc. So that did not light up the strip of LEDs ! I tried 1.5 volt, then 9 volt and gave up after that.
Would anyone hazard a guess as to what voltage a strip like that would need? Would the LEDs be driven in parallel or series?
I ask this before I consign the lot to the bin.