Depending on the Diode Forward Voltage (The manufacture LED voltage of each “lamp” ) – This is usually stated as 1.8 to 2.2 V (Not always the case)
So If we work on 2 as the operating voltage then for 42 units it would work out at 7 strings of 6 “lamps” in series with a 1 ohm resister in each string.
Each string would be in parallel in the 12v system.
Extra point to remember is that the LED is voltage flow sensitive – they will only work with the + and – correctly connected
If you can see the wiring board then it is “usual” practice to put the resister in the negative end of the string
Edited By HomeUse on 11/05/2015 09:03:00
Edited By HomeUse on 11/05/2015 09:06:07