I recently bought some fairly cheap Chinese made 6ft 60W LED battens to replace the fluorescents in the workshop.

Two failed (one DOA – transit damage – and one shortly after installing). Both were replaced without quibble under warranty.
I decided to open the failed units (they did not want them back) and see if there was anything useful inside (as you do!). One had failed due to a badly soldered wire – very quick fix. The other had a blown chip – magic smoke had come out. They are interesting in design. They have two 3ft strips each with two rows of 75 LED's end to end. Driver electronics for each strip are in the ends, and mains voltage is carried from end to end down tracks on the strips.

The strips looked useful if I could obtain replacement drivers. So I measured the DC voltage used by the strips in one of the working units. 420V+ !!!
Presumably the 150 LED's in each strip are in series and the drive electronics supplies 70ma from full wave rectified mains voltage.
Anyone seen a source of (cheap) LED drivers that push out 400+volts?
Edited By Peter Cook 6 on 31/01/2023 15:10:35