It is now first of April in New Zealand and thankfully over 19000 Kilometres from the E.U or a lot of metincnhes.
You must be importing lots of "Taranaki Mushrooms" for breakfast as this garbled nonsense can only come from the mind that is altered by by chemical action.
Do the Idiots that want to make such changes have any idea of how to measure things accurately.
The next one will be metric time perhaps Westjet was NOT joking and each day is a kilometre long just to add to the confusion.
It's NOT broke or liable to break so what is point in trying to fix it.
Must be that if you are useless at anything then be a politician for the E.U.
Where are descendants of the founders of the industrial revolution or have the sledge hammer wielding machine smashers begun to dominate and be elected to high places.
Wonder how they tackle the "Pythagarus Theorum".
Not much point from a New Zealand perspective as the sun goes From East over North To West
so we must be going the wrong way.
Perhaps we should change all threads to "Left Hand" as we are turning the opposite way.
Kia Kaha – Be Strong and stand up for what you Know to be right.