Oh thank-you JasonB!
Very generous of you! Though I can't help thinking, "That there Jason's teasing me…!" 
I wondered if David George's difficulty was due to Alibre registering the PC, so refusing to work on a second computer – a copyright protection move. I recall seeing similar happen elsewhere.
I think "Uninstall" is like "Delete": it just hides the files – but perhaps when loading from the Internet the receiving computer acknowledges by its own ID or address, so the licence can be locked to the individual computer?
Jason – I knew Alibre Atom does let you take off elevations from models. So, I think, does TurboCAD.
I'd have to buy Alibre outright as my trial copy had expired, as I found when I tried running further trials it has sent since. It said it was "repairing" what I thought I'd "un-installed" – then, "The licence has expired". Hence my comment above.
It's all still there, complete with desk-top symbol, but not useable.
At least I can already produce "good-enough" 2D drawings with TurboCAD it, though without proper dimensions.