Posted by Errol Koch on 06/05/2016 06:56:22:
There is an incorrect dimension regarding the depth of the boiler throatplate below the barrel. My boiler drawing and the book show the depth as 1" whereas the actual measured dimension is 1 1/4".
The side view drawing #1 shows this boiler drawn as 1" though.
I have almost completed the boiler, and have built it to the 1 1/4" dimension.
It appears to be the correct size.
Now, lets see if the copyright holders will amend their drawings!
It's complicated as the sellers are licencees not the copyright holders, and in this case I imagine the copyright holders are the estates of Martin Evans and LBSC.
The copyrights in the original layouts (as published in the magazines), expire 25 years after publication but the estates hold the author's copyright for 75 years after their death.
It's not easy or cheap or even practical to track down the copyright owner and get their permission to make changes. Would anyone expect book publishers to do the same every time someone found a typo in a book?
However, we do have TWO topics on here dedicated to sharing errors on drawings. This one probably should be flagged up in here as well:
I'm not aware of anywhere else that tries to share information on drawing errors/clarifications in this way.
Always good if you can find someone to independently verify the error, then make sure it is posted in this forum. A letter to ME to alert readers would be a good idea as well.