The perreniall "What lathe shall I buy!
As an experienced user, you will already have knowledge of what is important to you and your work.
Your choice of lathe will, as always be tempered by how much you are prepared to spend, and what features are "Must haves" for the work that you wish to do
To some, a powered cross feed is a necessity. To someone else, a gearbox may take priority, or maybe a 5MT spindle bore., a high top speed., or electronic speed control..
Once the required features have been listed, and the budget limit set, the question arises of "What is available, affordable and has the required features"?
It maybe that a new machine to meet hose criteria is too costly, so secondhand machine might fit the bill.
Which leads to the wider decision of ex industrial British, vs Far Eastern?..
Twenty years ago, I chose a new large, by model engineering standards, Far Eastern lathe with VFD. It does what i want, but has never been tested to the limit of it's capabilities.
For a variety of reasons.It wouldn't suit everyone,