The Churchill Cub Mk3 had 3 alternative tool posts. Flt top and stud for a simple clamp or block type, T-slotted for American style lantern post and UK style ratcheting 4 way.
See **LINK** ,
for pictures.
I imagine the deep hole on yours contains the ratcheting and location gubbins.
In your third post you imply that you propose to use a Multifix QC system. This requires a flat mounting surface on top of the slide so sensible option is to fill the aperture with a solid block that will sit flush with the flat portion of the slide top and fit the stud to that.
Which I presume is what you propose in your last post. 4 M5 cap head screws coming up from the bottom will do fine. That said the base appears fairly thin there so maybe counter sunk heads would live more metal to take the loads. I'd glue'n screw with high strength loctite on the base assuming itself reasonably flat. If it's uneven something with a bit more build such as epoxy or JB weld might be better. Its never coming out again is it.
When you fit your stud do receive the first thread to prevent the thread being pulled upwards a touch and making the surface the tool post sits on non-flat. If thats surface isn't decently flat the post will try to rotate. best practice is collar on the stud, like your original, sitting into a recess. A thin aluminium alloy sheet between the toolpost and support surface significantly improves the grip against twist so only m moderate hold down nut torque will suffice.
Gorriloid larruping up a tool post nut in a doomed attempt to stop it twisting as left many a topslide top seriously distorted.