I like to use carbide inserts, because it is possible to buy brand/quality inserts and holders. Carbide can be used without cooling and grindings.
Then again, I almos gave up after I bought bad inserts and holders.
I'm having real trouble locating even semi decent HSS blanks. I have found one supplier that does, but then corbide insers are more economical to me.
Although I agree, that if I need something nonstandard, then grinding from HSS is way to go.
I stick mostly on following tip geometries:
CCMT6 (SCLC R/L for external turning, SCLCR for internal turning 8 to 16 mm shanks)
SCMT9 (SSSCR Roughing)
GTN2 parting off, I had some Sandvik inserts, they were really good, still have 10 pcs of Iscar inserts, but tehy are not equally good.
And Mesa tools stuff for threading and grooving:
I still retain some right/left hand cheap CCMT09 holders, but now I buy quality inserts for them,
I trashed the first/cheap nonstandard threadin, parting-off, and internal turning holders they looked like tools, but were just imitation. Some of the inserts grumbled when they touched the workpiece first time – and they cost 60% of the real thing! If the seller can't give you grade and parameters, changes are that they are not known!