So…I'm getting frustrated with this whole thing now. Yesterday, after hours of work, I got the tailstock offset such that I couldn't detect any difference in turned diameter on two c. 1" bosses spaced 5" apart – turned between centres. Measured with a 0.0001" micrometer.
I also re-checked with the Myford test bar between centres – fine.
Just now, I decided to do a quick check: I removed the test bar, and both centres.
Then replaced the centres and turning test bar in random rotational orientations and took a 0.001" cut. Result: a difference of 0.002" in diameter.
I checked the centre in the headstock, and it's true. Then substituted the tailstock centre, and there's about 0.0005" – 0.001" runout.
What are you supposed to do about a brand new dead centre that's out of true? Are you supposed to mark it such that it goes in the same orientation in the tailstock?
It just sems at the moment that it'll be impossible, day-to-day, to get consistent results out of this lathe. If it's not a perfect dead-centre that puts the offset out, then no doubt it would be tailstock ram position, or tailstock on bed position, or probably some other small detail.
It's so frustrating.