From tool point to first bearing there is 120mm on my proposed and 150mm on the Boxford.
Between the bearing there are 130 and 180mm
Spindle bending stiffness between bearing is fourth power of diameters.
Mega 920 is thus 6.2 power 4 minus 4.5 power 4 equal to 1478 minus 410 equal to 1068
Boxford is 3.6 power 4 minus 1.9 power four giving 168 minus13 equals 155 in same units.
A unit tool load force on the Box gives a bending moment on front bearing that is 25%more than Mega920 .
The angular deformation on front bearing depends on bending stiffnes and that was 1068 /155 equal to and on the length ratio squared tha is 180/130 squared or ca 1.91
Let the transverse deflection at tool point for the Mean920 be one for a given load.
The corresponding for Boxford is thus 1.25*6.9*1.91*1.25 equal 27 times more.
Chatter come easy and faster on Boxers
![wp_20210330_002[1].jpg wp_20210330_002[1].jpg]()
Edited By Niels Abildgaard on 30/03/2021 11:11:01
Edited By Niels Abildgaard on 30/03/2021 11:12:55
Edited By Niels Abildgaard on 30/03/2021 11:24:41