Thanks for that, It also occurred to me that although the chuck back looks relatively substantial, it might be possible to distort it if there was a nasty dig in or lock up (but not on my watch – to timid!)
Two halves of myford integral chuck shown in photos below, with the offending back part placed on lathe spindle in top photo – the threaded part is in the business end of the chuck in bottom photo.
There is about 20 thou clearance between the spigot on the back part of chuck and the rotating scroll, so should be ok to skim 3 thou of the bolting flange (might also have to check the spigot clearance from the front of the chuck also)!
If I can get to 3 thou run-out I will be delighted! (better than current 9 thou TIR).
Journeyman, thanks for brilliant suggestion to use some stout tube and threaded rod through the spindle – that would make for a very quick job.
Bets regards and many thanks for the excellent advice,