Posted by Samsaranda on 09/03/2018 11:28:52:
Martin, one reason for my posting was to ascertain how compliant Chinese laser diodes were in respect of specification, your post demonstrates that they probably vary widely and even if I used a 1 mw diode then I couldn’t rely on it being within classification. Many thanks.
Dave W
Well I doubt they vary much in the sense that a 0.8mW laser is completely safe whilst a 1.5mW laser is powerful enough to shoot down a police helicopter!
They're more likely to be underpowered than over and power output drops as they warm up. However 1mW is the continuous rating; suitable electronics or a fault could output a much stronger pulse, albeit very short. It's not a toy.
I don't think you can generalise about Chinese manufacturing these days. True they produce a lot of stuff that's too cheap. But China's come a long way since Chairman Mao failed to mass-produce steel using backyard techniques inside a closed Communist economy. Now they play the international market and are buying-in, using and improving Western technology. They can and do make and sell quality products to specification; that's were the money is . Quite likely a Chinese operated semi-conductor plant is as good as any, certainly not blokes mixing chemicals in a shed. Putting the laser into a cheap pointer is more dodgy; it could well end up in something shoddy.
Don't be put off making a laser centre-finder; you only need enough light to illuminate the target, which a small diode will do easily.