Well, that LCD Wall Bracket I attacked above the Workbench has proven to be virtually useless for checking output from the camcorder when taking videos at any of my machines.
Too far away and having to be double jointed as well as needing a Giraffe's neck.
So, something needed to make like bearable, but what?
Ah, I can use that Sheet Music Stand left over when I half inched the top Holder section to make that Armchair Swivel Holder, that cured my neck/back pain.
The Laptop Platform consists of a piece of MDF of suitable size with Side Stops glued on, bolted onto a T-shaped framework of 20mm sq steel tube, with a stub of 19mm ø MS bar welded on that slides into the top of the Music Stand, once the plastic bung was removed.
This project went together without a single 'Oh bu**ger' much to my surprise, and my stick welding was nigh on perfect to boot, as good as my gas welding, when I tried the 'Push' method.
This was one of those projects that just fall together, where everything fitted and was a pleasure to do.
Photo Album created
Geoff – 'Jobs a good 'un' springs to mind