My method of lapping my Lion cylinders seems to have attracted some criticism, which is fine, I'm always happy to learn from the experience of others.
While lapping my cylinders I didn't experience any significant torque applied to my cylinder, should I have let go of the cylinder there would not have been any possibility of the lap jamming or gripping the cylinder and have it flying around, the weight of the cylinder alone would just leave it hanging on the lap. In any case I was being very careful through out the process and didn't get any lapping compound in the chuck.
There are commercial honing machines where the part is held by hand, I would expect honing will be much more aggressive than lapping, at least in my case anyway, with much more torque applied to the part.
Regarding the cloth, well it was felt actually, that's a fair enough comment. The felt was packed inside the plastic tube to expend it with no real risk of it flapping around and getting caught in rotating machinery, but all the same with hindsight not recommended.
