Posted by John Alexander Stewart on 08/02/2019 22:49:26:
That seems like a very kind and good offer; especially the display/damaged ones given away.
I have a KX1 that I got here in Canada, came without stepper controller. John Stevenson and I argued about it, but in the end, he came to the conclusion (by querying the factory) that it was a KX1 made for internal consumption, but somehow leaked out of China.
It has been a fantastic bit of kit. Now, I did power it myself with LinuxCNC and a Gecko G540. Can not comment on Mach3, but that seems to be ok. As mine stands, it runs for hours and hours without complaint.
The KX3 looks like another good machine.
I hope all of your stock goes to good homes, and that they get well used.
Hi John,
Just for some clarity, the display/damaged machines haven't been just given away without thought. The people to whom they have been given are actively involved with ARC is some way, by way of technical support/ development/ analysis – R&D, more so after JS passed away. Over the years, they have also been involved with John S's creations in one way or another. They are and continue to give their time and share their knowledge freely on this forum, for the betterment/development of this hobby. John S had an active stake with a strong influence on the future of CNC in the hobby environment, and I know that this is what he would have wanted me to do for the discussion/development to continue via the likes of Neil and Jason.
Regarding your discussion with John S., unfortunately in the early days SIEG's marketing vision/strategy was all over the place. They made many mistakes by listening to the wrong people, letting certain people in, resulting in theft of certain knowledge. John and I argued with the factory on countless occasions. But at the time, our concerns were overruled, so we had to stand down. Then an Israeli company – USA based – Intelitek came on the seen and started working with SIEG on CNC projects. Their engineers brought some order, better wiring/plug & play and better planning and direction in the CNC factory. This brought about a lot of build improvement on the KX1 and 3, for all of us. The machine operating software they adopted was the SIEG system, broadly based on Fanuc/SIEMANS, rather than MACH3. Over the years, SIEG have gone through a whole lot of development, and on my visit last month, I could see and agree that their own machine operating system is very stable. However, the cost is prohibitive for the hobby users… who would prefer the low cost solutions offered by MACH3.
MACH3 – Reason why this was chosen by John and I goes back to the principal that if anyone of the creators passes away, there is always the MACH3 forum for the buyer to get assistance. Every machine supplied by us is supplied with a 'lock-down' demo version of MACH3, with a front page screen created by John and Adam, keeping the new user in mind. A manual written by John and Adam, tested on non-technical people – myself and Lesley Stevenson (Johns first wife), is supplied with the machine to enable the user to get started more or less straight away. As long as the user buys a licence from Artsoft-Newfangledsolutions to 'un-lock' the demo software supplied, and as long as the user uses the lock-down version of the software to begin with, all is good. The user does not need to 'upgrade' to the latest version of MACH3. If the user decides to upgrade to the latest version of MACH3, they should only do so after getting to know the lock-down version first. The upgrades can result in unforeseen issues, especially if one is not used to MACH3. Other machines makers used to make the same statement – i.e. use the lock-down version of MACH3 supplied with their machine. Some customers failed to take note, which ultimately led to those machine makers creating their own machine operating software.
Most of the time, issues are not with the machine. They are with the computer, or the wrong MACH3 version being used, or the user themselves. One way or another, all of these issues have been well documented in ME and MEW magazines over the years.
Thank you also for your kind words of support. I too hope they go to good homes.
Ketan at ARC.